ImmerseHigh Competition: Term 2 2024
DATES: Sadly Cancelled
Prizes to be won!
2024 competition runs in QLD school term 2.
Start Date: April 15th
Submissions Due: Midnight, the June 7th 2024
Presentation Night - 14th June 2024 @Light Industries
1. Prep - Year 5 entrants MUST use Augmented Reality (AR) or immersive video (e.g 360/drone) within the submission. Current thinking suggest that students in this age bracket should NOT be spending a lot of time in VR due to potential health impacts. The quality of use and the breadth of use of skills are equal in terms of judgement.
2. Year 6-12 entrants MUST use Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) or immersive video (e.g 360/drone) within the submission. The quality of use and the breadth of use of skills are equal in terms of judgement.
3. Student submission MUST address the theme, Create an Experience or Digital Artifact utilising VR, AR, XR and or Virtual world to highlight the history of a Biosphere, and how humans have affected it.
4. Entrants use of Global Development Goal that is targeted within the production should be explained in a supporting 'Artist Statement' (max 500 words, or 30 Sec video file - can be an interactive file).
5. Ideally, submission should include navigation elements such as 3D text, interactive objects or buttons.
PresenTation Night
Prize Pool: $2000 + worth of prizes up for grabs!
Presentation Night: 14th June 5.30-7.30pm
Venue: Light Industries
Prizes & Age Groups
High School (Years 7-12): 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Primary School (Years P-6): 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Judging Panel
Upload your Entry
MUST be received BEFORE midnight 7th June, 2024
Countdown to Submission
ImmerseHigh Competition 2023 entries close @midnight 7th June, 202.